KHRead Request
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.ActiveCaloriesBurned from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BasalMetabolicRate from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BloodGlucose from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BloodPressure from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BodyFat from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BodyTemperature from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BodyWaterMass from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.BoneMass from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.CervicalMucus from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.CyclingPedalingCadence from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.CyclingSpeed from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Distance from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.ElevationGained from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Exercise from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.FloorsClimbed from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.HeartRate from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.HeartRateVariability from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Height from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Hydration from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.IntermenstrualBleeding from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.LeanBodyMass from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.MenstruationFlow from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.MenstruationPeriod from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.OvulationTest from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.OxygenSaturation from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Power from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.RespiratoryRate from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.RestingHeartRate from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.RunningSpeed from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.SexualActivity from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.SleepSession from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Speed from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.StepCount from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Vo2Max from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.Weight from the health store.
Depicts that the app wants to read records of type KHRecord.WheelChairPushes from the health store.